Basket Block


This block is often called Flower Basket – however as I continue to learn about how blocks are named, the source I was reading said it was known by several other names but didn’t share what they were!

I love how simple it looks, but let me tell you, that’s a lot of half square triangles in there, which is anything except simple! Happy to make this in any color combination!



Handmade wooden quilt block uniquely stained and painted from various re-purposed wood pieces.  The natural color variations, grain patterns of the wood, holes and scratches, along with our own artistic touches, make each piece a one-of-a-kind work of art.

This Block  measures 10″ x 10″ x 1.5″ square. Custom colors requests welcome!

Great hung on a wall, perfect sitting on a flat surface! I guarantee it will make you simile every time you look at it, I’m still smiling!

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 14 × 1.5 in
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